Full-time fees for new students 2024-2025

Tuition fees for full-time undergraduate study if you are starting your studies in 2024-2025.

The tuition fee shown in the table is for one year only.

Rest of UK, including Republic of Ireland and Channel Islands (RUK) full-time student fees

In November 2024, the UK government announced plans to increase tuition fee caps in line with inflation. The University’s tuition fee for RUK full-time students for academic year 2025-2026 will be £9,535, which is a £285 increase on the current fee rate for academic year 2024-2025.

International full-time student fees

If you are an Overseas/International taught student studying full-time over multiple years, you will:

  • not be affected by the annual tuition fee increase
  • be charged a fixed annual fee based on your start date

If you are given direct entry into Year 2 or Year 3, you will be charged the same annual rate as the year group that you join.

Showing rows 401 to 450, total number of results 662.

Programme nameProgramme CodeSchoolScotlandRest of UKInternational/EU
Landscape Architecture (MA Hons)UTMAHLAARC1FEdinburgh College of Art£1,820.00£9,250.00£34,800.00
Landscape Architecture (MA Hons)UTMAHLANDA2FEdinburgh College of Art£1,820.00£9,250.00£34,800.00
Landscape Architecture BA (Ordinary)UTBAOLAARC1FEdinburgh College of Art£1,820.00£9,250.00£34,800.00
Latin Studies (MA Hons)UTLATINSchool of History, Classics and Archaeology£1,820.00£9,250.00£26,500.00
Law (LLB Hons)UTLLBLAWHO1FSchool of Law£1,820.00£9,250.00£26,500.00
Law (LLB Ord)UTLLBLAWOR1FSchool of Law£1,820.00£9,250.00£26,500.00
Law (LLB Ord) (Graduate Entry)UTLLBLAWOG1FSchool of Law£26,500.00
Law and Accountancy (LLB Hons)UTLAWACSchool of Law£1,820.00£9,250.00£26,500.00
Law and Business LLB (Hons)UTLLBHLAWB1FSchool of Law£1,820.00£9,250.00£26,500.00
Law and Celtic (LLB Hons)UTLAWCESchool of Law£1,820.00£9,250.00£26,500.00
Law and Economics (LLB Hons)UTLAWECSchool of Law£1,820.00£9,250.00£26,500.00
Law and French (LLB Hons)UTLAWFRSchool of Law£1,820.00£9,250.00£26,500.00
Law and German (LLB Hons)UTLAWGESchool of Law£1,820.00£9,250.00£26,500.00
Law and History (LLB Hons)UTLAWHISchool of Law£1,820.00£9,250.00£26,500.00
Law and International Relations (LLB Hons)UTLLBINTSchool of Law£1,820.00£9,250.00£26,500.00
Law and Politics (LLB Hons)UTLAWPOSchool of Law£1,820.00£9,250.00£26,500.00
Law and Social Anthropology (LLB Hons)UTLAWSASchool of Law£1,820.00£9,250.00£26,500.00
Law and Social Policy (LLB Hons)UTLAWSYSchool of Law£1,820.00£9,250.00£26,500.00
Law and Sociology (LLB Hons)UTLAWSGSchool of Law£1,820.00£9,250.00£26,500.00
Law and Spanish (LLB Hons)UTLAWSPSchool of Law£1,820.00£9,250.00£26,500.00
Learning in Communities MA (Hons)UTMAHLECOM1FMoray House School of Education and Sport£1,820.00£9,250.00£26,500.00
Linguistics (MA Hons)UTLINGSSchool of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences£1,820.00£9,250.00£26,500.00
Linguistics and English Language (MA Hons)UTMAHLINEN1FSchool of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences£1,820.00£9,250.00£26,500.00
Linguistics and Social Anthropology (MA Hons)UTLINSASchool of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences£1,820.00£9,250.00£26,500.00
Literature and Medicine (BME) (External Intercalation)UTBMELITER2FSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£32,100.00
Literature and Medicine (BMedSci Hons)UTBMELITER1FSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£1,820.00£9,250.00£37,500.00
MA (Hons) in Primary Education with Gaelic (Fluent)UTMAHGAPRF3FMoray House School of Education and Sport£1,820.00£9,250.00£26,500.00
MA (Hons) in Primary Education with Gaelic (Learners)UTMAHGAPRL3FMoray House School of Education and Sport£1,820.00£9,250.00£26,500.00
Mathematical Physics (BSc Hons)UTMAPYBSchool of Physics and Astronomy£1,820.00£9,250.00£34,800.00
Mathematical Physics (MPhys)UTMAPYMSchool of Physics and Astronomy£1,820.00£9,250.00£34,800.00
Mathematics (BSc Hons)UTMATHBSchool of Mathematics£1,820.00£9,250.00£26,500.00
Mathematics (MA Hons)UTMATHMSchool of Mathematics£1,820.00£9,250.00£26,500.00
Mathematics (MMath Hons)UTMMATHEMA1FSchool of Mathematics£1,820.00£9,250.00£26,500.00
Mathematics and Business BSc (Hons)UTBSCMATBU1FSchool of Mathematics£1,820.00£9,250.00£26,500.00
Mathematics and Music (BSc Hons)UTMATMUSchool of Mathematics£1,820.00£9,250.00£34,800.00
Mathematics and Physics (BSc Hons)UTMATPHSchool of Mathematics£1,820.00£9,250.00£34,800.00
Mathematics and Statistics (BSc Hons)UTMATSTSchool of Mathematics£1,820.00£9,250.00£26,500.00
Mechanical Engineering (BEng Hons)UTMCHEBSchool of Engineering£1,820.00£9,250.00£34,800.00
Mechanical Engineering (MEng Hons)UTMCHEMSchool of Engineering£1,820.00£9,250.00£34,800.00
Medical Sciences (BSc Hons)UTMESCIDeanery of Biomedical Sciences£1,820.00£9,250.00£34,800.00
Medicinal and Biological Chemistry (BSc Hons)UTMDBCBSchool of Chemistry£1,820.00£9,250.00£34,800.00
Medicinal and Biological Chemistry (MChem)UTMDBIOMCHEMSchool of Chemistry£1,820.00£9,250.00£34,800.00
Medicine (Clinical) (MBChB)UTMBCHBMDC1FEdinburgh Medical SchoolFees for Medicine programmes
Medicine (HCP-Med) (MBChB)UTMBCHBHCP1FEdinburgh Medical School£1,820.00
Medicine (Pre-Clinical) (MBChB)UTMBCHBMDP1FEdinburgh Medical SchoolFees for Medicine programmes
Middle Eastern Studies (MA Hons)UTMIDEASTSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£1,820.00£9,250.00£26,500.00
Molecular Biology (BMedSci Hons)UTBMEMOLBI1FSchool of Biological Sciences£1,820.00£9,250.00£37,500.00
Molecular Genetics (BMedSci Hons)UTBMEMOLGE1FSchool of Biological Sciences£1,820.00£9,250.00£37,500.00
Music (BMus)UTMUSICEdinburgh College of Art£1,820.00£9,250.00£34,800.00
Music (MAH)UTMAHMUSIC1FEdinburgh College of Art£1,820.00£9,250.00£34,800.00