Full-time fees for new students 2018-2019

Tuition fees for full-time undergraduate study if you are starting your studies in 2018-2019.

The tuition fee shown in the table is for one year only.

Rest of UK, including Republic of Ireland and Channel Islands (RUK) full-time student fees

In November 2024, the UK government announced plans to increase tuition fee caps in line with inflation. The University’s tuition fee for RUK full-time students for academic year 2025-2026 will be £9,535, which is a £285 increase on the current fee rate for academic year 2024-2025.

International full-time student fees

If you are an Overseas/International taught student studying full-time over multiple years, you will:

  • not be affected by the annual tuition fee increase
  • be charged a fixed annual fee based on your start date

If you are given direct entry into Year 2 or Year 3, you will be charged the same annual rate as the year group that you join.

Showing rows 401 to 450, total number of results 649.

Programme nameProgramme CodeSchoolScotland/EURest of UKOverseas/International
Law and Social Anthropology (LLB Hons)UTLAWSASchool of Law£1,820.00£9,250.00£18,800.00
Law and Social Policy (LLB Hons)UTLAWSYSchool of Law£1,820.00£9,250.00£18,800.00
Law and Sociology (LLB Hons)UTLAWSGSchool of Law£1,820.00£9,250.00£18,800.00
Law and Spanish (LLB Hons)UTLAWSPSchool of Law£1,820.00£9,250.00£18,800.00
Linguistics (MA Hons)UTLINGSSchool of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences£1,820.00£9,250.00£18,800.00
Linguistics and English Language (MA Hons)UTMAHLINEN1FSchool of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences£1,820.00£9,250.00£18,800.00
Linguistics and Social Anthropology (MA Hons)UTLINSASchool of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences£1,820.00£9,250.00£18,800.00
Literature and Medicine (BMedSci Hons)UTBMELITER1FSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£1,820.00£9,250.00£32,100.00
Literature and Medicine BSc (VetSci) (Hons) - 1 Year (Intercalation)UTBSVLITME1FSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£1,820.00£9,250.00£24,600.00
MA (Hons) in Primary Education with Gaelic (Fluent)UTMAHGAPRF3FMoray House School of Education and Sport£1,820.00£9,250.00£18,800.00
MA (Hons) in Primary Education with Gaelic (Learners)UTMAHGAPRL3FMoray House School of Education and Sport£1,820.00£9,250.00£18,800.00
Mathematical Physics (BSc Hons)UTMAPYBSchool of Physics and Astronomy£1,820.00£9,250.00£24,600.00
Mathematical Physics (MPhys)UTMAPYMSchool of Physics and Astronomy£1,820.00£9,250.00£24,600.00
Mathematics (BSc Hons)UTMATHBSchool of Mathematics£1,820.00£9,250.00£18,800.00
Mathematics (IFP) (BSc Hons)UTBSCMAIFP1FSchool of Mathematics£1,820.00£9,250.00£18,800.00
Mathematics (MA Hons)UTMATHMSchool of Mathematics£1,820.00£9,250.00£18,800.00
Mathematics (MMath Hons)UTMMATHEMA1FSchool of Mathematics£1,820.00£9,250.00£18,800.00
Mathematics and Biology (BSc)UTBSCMATBI1FSchool of Mathematics£1,820.00£9,250.00£24,600.00
Mathematics and Business BSc (Hons)UTBSCMATBU1FSchool of Mathematics£1,820.00£9,250.00£18,800.00
Mathematics and Music (BSc Hons)UTMATMUSchool of Mathematics£1,820.00£9,250.00£24,600.00
Mathematics and Physics (BSc Hons)UTMATPHSchool of Mathematics£1,820.00£9,250.00£24,600.00
Mathematics and Statistics (BSc Hons)UTMATSTSchool of Mathematics£1,820.00£9,250.00£18,800.00
Mathematics with Management (BSc Hons)UTMATMGSchool of Mathematics£1,820.00£9,250.00£18,800.00
Mechanical Engineering (BEng Hons)UTMCHEBSchool of Engineering£1,820.00£9,250.00£24,600.00
Mechanical Engineering (MEng Hons)UTMCHEMSchool of Engineering£1,820.00£9,250.00£24,600.00
Mechanical Engineering with Management (BEng Hons)UTMCHMBSchool of Engineering£1,820.00£9,250.00£24,600.00
Mechanical Engineering with Management (MEng Hons)UTMCHMMSchool of Engineering£1,820.00£9,250.00£24,600.00
Mechanical Engineering with Renewable Energy (BEng Hons)UTMCHRBSchool of Engineering£1,820.00£9,250.00£24,600.00
Mechanical Engineering with Renewable Energy (MEng Hons)UTMCHRMSchool of Engineering£1,820.00£9,250.00£24,600.00
Medical Biology (BMedSci Hons)UTBMEMEDIB1FDeanery of Biomedical Sciences£1,820.00£9,250.00£32,100.00
Medical Biology (VetSci) (Hons)UTBSVMEDBI1FDeanery of Biomedical Sciences£1,820.00£9,250.00£24,600.00
Medical Sciences (BSc Hons)UTMESCIDeanery of Biomedical Sciences£1,820.00£9,250.00£24,600.00
Medicinal and Biological Chemistry (BSc Hons)UTMDBCBSchool of Chemistry£1,820.00£9,250.00£24,600.00
Medicinal and Biological Chemistry (MChem)UTMDBIOMCHEMSchool of Chemistry£1,820.00£9,250.00£24,600.00
Medicinal and Biological Chemistry with a Year Abroad (MChem)UTMDBCNSchool of Chemistry£1,820.00£9,250.00£24,600.00
Medicinal and Biological Chemistry with Industrial Experience (MChem)UTMDBCISchool of Chemistry£1,820.00£9,250.00£24,600.00
Medicine (Clinical) (MBChB)UTMBCHBMDC1FEdinburgh Medical School£1,820.00£9,250.00£49,900.00
Medicine (Pre-Clinical) (MBChB)UTMBCHBMDP1FEdinburgh Medical School£1,820.00£9,250.00£32,100.00
Middle Eastern Studies (MA Hons)UTMIDEASTSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£1,820.00£9,250.00£18,800.00
Molecular Biology (BMedSci Hons)UTBMEMOLBI1FSchool of Biological Sciences£1,820.00£9,250.00£32,100.00
Molecular Genetics (BMedSci Hons)UTBMEMOLGE1FSchool of Biological Sciences£1,820.00£9,250.00£32,100.00
Music (BMus)UTMUSICEdinburgh College of Art£1,820.00£9,250.00£24,600.00
Music (MAH)UTMAHMUSIC1FEdinburgh College of Art£1,820.00£9,250.00£24,600.00
Music Technology (BMU(mt)H)UTMUSTCEdinburgh College of Art£1,820.00£9,250.00£24,600.00
Neuroscience (BMedSci Hons)UTBMENEUSC1FDeanery of Biomedical Sciences£1,820.00£9,250.00£32,100.00
Neuroscience BSc (Hons)UTBSCNEURO1FDeanery of Biomedical Sciences£1,820.00£9,250.00£24,600.00
Neuroscience BSc (VetSci) (Hons)UTVETNSCBSCDeanery of Biomedical Sciences£1,820.00£9,250.00£24,600.00
Nursing (BN)UTNURSING01FSchool of Health in Social Science£1,820.00£9,250.00£24,600.00
Oral Health Sciences (BSc Hons)UTOHSCIDeanery of Clinical Sciences£1,820.00£9,250.00£24,600.00
Painting BA (Hons)UTBAHPAINT1FEdinburgh College of Art£1,820.00£9,250.00£24,600.00