Full-time fees for new students 2018-2019
Tuition fees for full-time undergraduate study if you are starting your studies in 2018-2019.
The tuition fee shown in the table is for one year only.
Rest of UK, including Republic of Ireland and Channel Islands (RUK) full-time student fees
In November 2024, the UK government announced plans to increase tuition fee caps in line with inflation. The University’s tuition fee for RUK full-time students for academic year 2025-2026 will be £9,535, which is a £285 increase on the current fee rate for academic year 2024-2025.
International full-time student fees
If you are an Overseas/International taught student studying full-time over multiple years, you will:
- not be affected by the annual tuition fee increase
- be charged a fixed annual fee based on your start date
If you are given direct entry into Year 2 or Year 3, you will be charged the same annual rate as the year group that you join.
Showing rows 601 to 649, total number of results 649.
Programme name | Programme Code | School | Scotland/EU | Rest of UK | Overseas/International |
Social Policy and Politics (MA Hons) | UTSOPPO | School of Social and Political Science | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £18,800.00 |
Social Policy and Social and Economic History (MA Hons) | UTSOPEH | School of Social and Political Science | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £18,800.00 |
Social Policy and Sociology (MA Hons) | UTSOPSO | School of Social and Political Science | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £18,800.00 |
Social Policy with Quantitative Methods (MA Hons) (Full-time) | UTMAHSOPQM1F | School of Social and Political Science | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £18,800.00 |
Social Policy with Social and Political Studies (MA Hons) | UTSOPPS | School of Social and Political Science | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £18,800.00 |
Social Work (BSc Hons) | UTSOWRK | School of Social and Political Science | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £18,800.00 |
Sociology (MA Hons) | UTSCYGY | School of Social and Political Science | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £18,800.00 |
Sociology and Politics (MA Hons) | UTSCYPO | School of Social and Political Science | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £18,800.00 |
Sociology and Psychology (MA Hons) | UTSCYPS | School of Social and Political Science | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £24,600.00 |
Sociology and Social and Economic History (MA Hons) | UTSCYEH | School of Social and Political Science | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £18,800.00 |
Sociology and Social Anthropology (MA Hons) | UTSCYSA | School of Social and Political Science | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £18,800.00 |
Sociology with Quantitative Methods (MA Hons) (Full-time) | UTMAHSOCQM1F | School of Social and Political Science | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £18,800.00 |
Sociology with South Asian Studies (MA Hons) | UTSCYAS | School of Social and Political Science | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £18,800.00 |
Software Engineering (BEng Hons) | UTSWENG | School of Informatics | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £24,600.00 |
Software Engineering with Management (BEng Hons) | UTSWENM | School of Informatics | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £24,600.00 |
Spanish (MA Hons) | UTSPANS | School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £18,800.00 |
Spanish and Business MA (Hons) | UTMAHSPABU1F | School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £18,800.00 |
Spanish and Classics (MA Hons) | UTMLCSP | School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £18,800.00 |
Spanish and English Language (MA Hons) | UTSPANENG | School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £18,800.00 |
Spanish and English Literature (MA Hons) | UTSPAEL | School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £18,800.00 |
Spanish and History (MA Hons) | UTSPANHMAH | School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £18,800.00 |
Spanish and History of Art (MA Hons) | UTSPAHA | School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £18,800.00 |
Spanish and Linguistics (MA Hons) | UTSPALI | School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £18,800.00 |
Spanish and Philosophy (MA Hons) | UTSPAPY | School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £18,800.00 |
Spanish and Politics (MA Hons) | UTSPAPO | School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £18,800.00 |
Spanish and Portuguese (MA Hons) | UTSPAPG | School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £18,800.00 |
Spanish and Scottish Literature (MA Hons) | UTSPASL | School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £18,800.00 |
Spanish and Social Policy (MA Hons) | UTSPASY | School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £18,800.00 |
Sport and Recreation Management (BSc Hons) | UTSPRMG | Moray House School of Education and Sport | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £18,800.00 |
Sports Science Medicine (BMedSci Hons) | UTBMESPOSM1F | Moray House School of Education and Sport | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £32,100.00 |
Structural and Fire Safety Engineering (BEng Hons) | UTSFSEB | School of Engineering | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £24,600.00 |
Structural and Fire Safety Engineering (MEng Hons) | UTSFSEM | School of Engineering | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £24,600.00 |
Structural Engineering with Architecture (BEng Hons) | UTSENAB | School of Engineering | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £24,600.00 |
Structural Engineering with Architecture (MEng Hons) | UTSENAM | School of Engineering | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £24,600.00 |
Sustainable Development MA (Hons) | UTMAHSUSDE1F | School of Social and Political Science | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £18,800.00 |
Sustainable Environmental Management (SRUC) (BSc Hons) | UTBSHSUSEM1F | College of Science and Engineering | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £24,600.00 |
Textiles (BA Hons) | UTTEXTEBAH | Edinburgh College of Art | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £24,600.00 |
Theology (BA) | UTBATHEOLO1F | School of Divinity | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £18,800.00 |
Theology and Religious Studies (GradDip) (Full-time) | UTGRATHERS1F | School of Divinity | £7,900.00 | £7,900.00 | £17,200.00 |
Theology and Religious Studies (GradDip) (Part-time) | UTGRATHERS1P | School of Divinity | £3,950.00 | £3,950.00 | £8,600.00 |
Theology MA(Hons) | UTDIVINITY1F | School of Divinity | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £18,800.00 |
Theoretical Physics (BSc Hons) | UTTHEPHBSCH | School of Physics and Astronomy | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £24,600.00 |
Theoretical Physics (MPhys) | UTTHEPHMPHYS | School of Physics and Astronomy | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £24,600.00 |
Veterinary Medicine (Clinical) (BVMS) | UTBVMCLIVM1F | Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £30,800.00 |
Veterinary Medicine (Clinical) (Graduate Entry) (BVMS) | UTCLIVM2 | Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies | £30,800.00 | ||
Veterinary Medicine (Preclinical) (BVMS) | UTCLIVMS | Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £30,800.00 |
Veterinary Medicine (Preclinical) (Graduate Entry) (BVMS) | UTCLIV2 | Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies | £30,800.00 | ||
Zoology (BMedSci Hons) | UTBMEZOOLO1F | School of Biological Sciences | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £32,100.00 |
Zoology BSc (VetSci) (Hons) | UTBSVZOOLO1F | School of Biological Sciences | £1,820.00 | £9,250.00 | £24,600.00 |