Fees for taught masters 2024-2025

Tuition fees for full-time and part-time postgraduate taught degrees in 2024-2025.

The tuition fee shown in the table is for one year only.

For students whose studies commenced in 2022-23 or earlier, tuition fees will increase each year. You should take this annual tuition fee increase into consideration when you estimate your fees for a degree.

From 2023-24 tuition fees for new entrants will be fixed for the duration of their programme. If you joined us from August 2023 onwards and you are studying for a degree or qualification that will take more than one year to complete, the fee charged will be fixed at the level charged on the year of entry.

Showing rows 101 to 150, total number of results 797.

Programme nameProgramme CodeSchoolScotlandRest of UKInternational/EUOnline Distance LearningAdditional Programme Costs
Child Protection Data Futures (MSc) (Fusion Online) (Full-time)PTMSCCDFOL1FEdinburgh Futures InstituteFees for Edinburgh Futures Institute programmes
Child Protection Data Futures (MSc) (Fusion Online) (Part-time) - 2 yearsPTMSCCDFOL1PEdinburgh Futures InstituteFees for Edinburgh Futures Institute programmes
Child Protection Data Futures (PG Cert) (Fusion On-site) (Part-time) – 9 monthsPTPGCCDFOS1PEdinburgh Futures InstituteFees for Edinburgh Futures Institute programmes
Child Protection Data Futures (PG Cert) (Fusion Online) (Part-time) - 9 monthsPTPGCCDFOL1PEdinburgh Futures InstituteFees for Edinburgh Futures Institute programmes
Children and Young People's Mental Health and Psychological Practice (PgDip) (Full-time)PTPGDCYPMH1FSchool of Health in Social Science£13,000.00£13,000.00£28,800.00
Chinese Society and Culture (MSc) (Full-time)PTMSCCHSCU1FSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£13,000.00£13,000.00£28,800.00
Chinese Society and Culture (MSc) (Part-time)PTMSCCHSCU1PSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£6,500.00£6,500.00£14,400.00
Chinese Studies (MCS) (Full-time)PTMCHCHNST1FSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£13,000.00£13,000.00£28,800.00
Circular Economy (Fusion On-Site) (Full time) (MSc)PTMSCCEYOS1FEdinburgh Futures InstituteFees for Edinburgh Futures Institute programmes
Circular Economy (Fusion On-site) (Part time) - 2 Years (MSc)PTMSCCEYOS1PEdinburgh Futures InstituteFees for Edinburgh Futures Institute programmes
Circular Economy (Fusion On-site) (Part-time) - 9 Months (PGC)PTPGCCEYOS1PEdinburgh Futures InstituteFees for Edinburgh Futures Institute programmes
Circular Economy (Fusion Online) (Full time) (MSc)PTMSCCEYOL1FEdinburgh Futures InstituteFees for Edinburgh Futures Institute programmes
Circular Economy (Fusion Online) (Part-time) - 9 months (PGC)PTPGCCEYOL1PEdinburgh Futures InstituteFees for Edinburgh Futures Institute programmes
Circular Economy (Fusion Online)(Part-time) - 2 Years (MSc)PTMSCCEYOL1PEdinburgh Futures InstituteFees for Edinburgh Futures Institute programmes
Classical Art and Archaeology (MSc) (Full-time)PTMSCCARTA1FSchool of History, Classics and Archaeology£13,000.00£13,000.00£28,800.00
Classical Art and Archaeology (MSc) (Part-time)PTMSCCARTA1PSchool of History, Classics and Archaeology£6,500.00£6,500.00£14,400.00
Classics (MSc) (Full-time)PTMSCCLSCS1FSchool of History, Classics and Archaeology£13,000.00£13,000.00£28,800.00
Classics (MSc) (Part-time)PTMSCCLSCS1PSchool of History, Classics and Archaeology£6,500.00£6,500.00£14,400.00
Climate Change Finance & Investment (MSc) - 1 Year (Full-Time)PTMSCCLCFI1FBusiness School£23,600.00£23,600.00£28,800.00
Climate Change Management (MSc) - 1 Year (Full-time)PTMSCCCMGT1FSchool of Geosciences£16,100.00£16,100.00£34,000.00
Climate Change Management (MSc) - 2 Years (Part-time)PTMSCCCMGT1PSchool of Geosciences£8,050.00£8,050.00£17,000.00
Climate Change Management (MSc) - 3 Years (Part-time)PTMSCCCMGT2PSchool of Geosciences£5,370.00£5,370.00£11,335.00
Climate Change Management (MSc) - 3 Years (Part-time) (Online Learning)PTMSCCCMGT3PSchool of Geosciences£6,370.00
Clinical Anatomy (MSc) - 1 Year (Full-Time)PTMSCCLINA1FDeanery of Biomedical Sciences£15,200.00£15,200.00£35,300.00
Clinical Animal Behaviour (Online Learning) (MSc) - 3 Years (Part-time)PTMSCCLANB1PRoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies£6,370.00
Clinical Education (Online Learning) (MSc)PTMSCCLIED1FEdinburgh Medical School£17,100.00
Clinical Education (Online Learning) (MSc) (Part-time)PTMSCCLINE1PEdinburgh Medical School£5,700.00
Clinical Education (Online Learning) (PgCert) (Part-time)PTPGCCLIED1PEdinburgh Medical School£5,700.00
Clinical Education (Online Learning) (PgDip) (Part-time)PTPGDCLINE2PEdinburgh Medical School£5,700.00
Clinical Management of Pain (Online Learning) (MSc) - 3 Years (Part-time)PTMSCCLMAP1PDeanery of Clinical Sciences£5,700.00
Clinical Management of Pain (Online Learning) (PgCert) - 1 Year (Part-time)PTPGCCLMAP1PDeanery of Clinical Sciences£5,700.00
Clinical Management of Pain (Online Learning) (PgDip) - 2 Years (Part-time)PTPGDCLMAP1PDeanery of Clinical Sciences£5,700.00
Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (Online Learning) (MSc)PTMSCCLMID1PDeanery of Biomedical Sciences£6,370.00
Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (Online Learning) (PgCert)PTPGCCLMID1PDeanery of Biomedical Sciences£6,370.00
Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (Online Learning) (PgDip)PTPGDCLMID1PDeanery of Biomedical Sciences£6,370.00
Clinical Ophthalmology (Online Learning) (ChM) - 2 Years (Part-time)PTCHMCLOPH1PDeanery of Clinical Sciences£7,600.00
Clinical Psychology (Flexible Study Route) (DClinPsychol) (Full-time) - 3 YearsPTDCPCLIPF1FSchool of Health in Social Science£6,600.00£6,600.00£18,100.00
Clinical Psychology (Flexible Study Route) (DClinPsychol) (Part-time) - 4 YearsPTDCPCLIPF1PSchool of Health in Social Science£3,300.00£3,300.00£9,050.00
Clinical Psychology (Flexible Study Route) (DClinPsychol) (Part-time) - 5 YearsPTDCPCLIPF2PSchool of Health in Social Science£3,300.00£3,300.00£9,050.00
Clinical Trials (Online Learning) (MSc) - 3 years (Part-time)PTMSCCLITR1UDeanery of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences£6,370.00
Clinical Trials (Online Learning) (PgCert) - 1 year (Part-time)PTPGCCLITR1UDeanery of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences£6,370.00
Clinical Trials (Online Learning) (PgDip) - 2 years (Part-time)PTPGDCLITR1UDeanery of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences£6,370.00
Cognitive Science (MSc) (Full-time)PTMSCCOGSC1FSchool of Informatics£17,100.00£17,100.00£40,900.00
Cognitive Science (MSc) (Part-time) - 2 YearsPTMSCCOGSC1PSchool of Informatics£8,550.00£8,550.00£20,450.00
Cognitive Science (MSc) (Part-time) - 3 YearsPTMSCINFEM1PSchool of Informatics£5,700.00£5,700.00£13,635.00
Commercial Law (LLM) (Full-time)PTLLMCOMLA1FSchool of Law£15,200.00£15,200.00£27,300.00
Commercial Law (LLM) (Part-time)PTLLMCOMLA1PSchool of Law£7,600.00£7,600.00£13,650.00
Comparative Education and International Development (CEID) (MSc) - 1 Year (Full-time)PTMSCCEIDE1FMoray House School of Education and Sport£13,000.00£13,000.00£28,800.00
Comparative Education and International Development (CEID) (MSc) - 2 Years (Part-time)PTMSCCEIDE1PMoray House School of Education and Sport£6,500.00£6,500.00£14,400.00
Comparative Literature (MSc) (Full-time)PTMSCCOMPL1FSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£13,000.00£13,000.00£28,800.00