Fees for taught masters 2023-2024

Tuition fees for full-time and part-time postgraduate taught degrees in 2023-2024.

The tuition fee shown in the table is for one year only.

For students whose studies commenced in 2022-23 or earlier, tuition fees will increase each year. You should take this annual tuition fee increase into consideration when you estimate your fees for a degree.

From 2023-24 tuition fees for new entrants will be fixed for the duration of their programme. If you joined us from August 2023 onwards and you are studying for a degree or qualification that will take more than one year to complete, the fee charged will be fixed at the level charged on the year of entry.

Showing rows 1201 to 1250, total number of results 1614.

Programme nameProgramme CodeSchoolScotlandRest of UKInternational/EUOnline Distance LearningAdditional Programme Costs
Narrative Futures: Art, Data, Society (MSc) (Fusion Online) (Part-time) - 2 yearsPTMSCNFADS1PEdinburgh Futures InstituteFees for Edinburgh Futures Institute programmes
Narrative Futures: Art, Data, Society (PG Cert) (Fusion On-site) (Part-time) - 9 monthsPTPGCNFADS2FEdinburgh Futures InstituteFees for Edinburgh Futures Institute programmes
Narrative Futures: Art, Data, Society (PG Cert) (Fusion On-site) (Part-time) - 9 monthsPTPGCNFADS2FEdinburgh Futures InstituteFees for Edinburgh Futures Institute programmes
Narrative Futures: Art, Data, Society (PG Cert) (Fusion Online) (Part-time) - 9 monthsPTPGCNFADS1PEdinburgh Futures InstituteFees for Edinburgh Futures Institute programmes
Narrative Futures: Art, Data, Society (PG Cert) (Fusion Online) (Part-time) - 9 monthsPTPGCNFADS1PEdinburgh Futures InstituteFees for Edinburgh Futures Institute programmes
Nationalism in Global Perspective (MSc) - 1 Year (Full-time)PTMSCNATGP1FSchool of Social and Political Science£17,100.00£17,100.00£27,100.00
Nationalism in Global Perspective (MSc) - 1 Year (Full-time)PTMSCNATGP1FSchool of Social and Political Science£17,100.00£17,100.00£27,100.00
Nationalism in Global Perspective (MSc) - 2 Years (Part-time)PTMSCNATGP1PSchool of Social and Political Science£8,550.00£8,550.00£13,550.00
Nationalism in Global Perspective (MSc) - 2 Years (Part-time)PTMSCNATGP1PSchool of Social and Political Science£8,550.00£8,550.00£13,550.00
Nationalism Studies (MSc) (Full-time)PTMSCNATST1FSchool of Social and Political Science£17,100.00£17,100.00£27,100.00
Nationalism Studies (MSc) (Full-time)PTMSCNATST1FSchool of Social and Political Science£17,100.00£17,100.00£27,100.00
Nationalism Studies (MSc) (Part-time)PTMSCNATST1PSchool of Social and Political Science£8,550.00£8,550.00£13,550.00
Nationalism Studies (MSc) (Part-time)PTMSCNATST1PSchool of Social and Political Science£8,550.00£8,550.00£13,550.00
Neuroimaging for Research (Online Learning) (MSc) (Part-time)PTMSCNEURE1PDeanery of Clinical Sciences£6,370.00
Neuroimaging for Research (Online Learning) (MSc) (Part-time)PTMSCNEURE1PDeanery of Clinical Sciences£6,370.00
Neurological Rehabilitation and Care (Online Learning) (PgCert)PTPGCNRHBC1PSchool of Health in Social Science£5,070.00
Neurological Rehabilitation and Care (Online Learning) (PgCert)PTPGCNRHBC1PSchool of Health in Social Science£5,070.00
Nursing with Pre-registration (Adult) (MN)PTMNNURPRA1FSchool of Health in Social ScienceFees for Nursing with Pre-registration (Adult) programmes
Nursing with Pre-registration (Adult) (MN)PTMNNURPRA1FSchool of Health in Social ScienceFees for Nursing with Pre-registration (Adult) programmes
One Health (Online Learning) (MSc) - 3 YearsPTMSCONEHE1PRoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies£6,370.00
Operational Research (MSc) (Full-time)PTMSCORSCH1FSchool of Mathematics£15,200.00£15,200.00£28,200.00
Operational Research (MSc) (Full-time)PTMSCORSCH1FSchool of Mathematics£15,200.00£15,200.00£28,200.00
Operational Research (MSc) (Part-time)PTMSCORSCH1PSchool of Mathematics£7,600.00£7,600.00£14,100.00
Operational Research (MSc) (Part-time)PTMSCORSCH1PSchool of Mathematics£7,600.00£7,600.00£14,100.00
Operational Research (PgDip) (Full-time) - 9 MonthsPTPGDORSCH1FSchool of Mathematics£15,200.00£15,200.00£28,200.00
Operational Research (PgDip) (Full-time) - 9 MonthsPTPGDORSCH1FSchool of Mathematics£15,200.00£15,200.00£28,200.00
Operational Research with Computational Optimization (MSc) (Full-time)PTMSCORCPO1FSchool of Mathematics£15,200.00£15,200.00£28,200.00
Operational Research with Computational Optimization (MSc) (Full-time)PTMSCORCPO1FSchool of Mathematics£15,200.00£15,200.00£28,200.00
Operational Research with Computational Optimization (MSc) (Part-time)PTMSCORCPO1PSchool of Mathematics£7,600.00£7,600.00£14,100.00
Operational Research with Computational Optimization (MSc) (Part-time)PTMSCORCPO1PSchool of Mathematics£7,600.00£7,600.00£14,100.00
Operational Research with Computational Optimization (PgDip) (Full-time) - 9 MonthsPTPGDORCPO1FSchool of Mathematics£15,200.00£15,200.00£28,200.00
Operational Research with Computational Optimization (PgDip) (Full-time) - 9 MonthsPTPGDORCPO1FSchool of Mathematics£15,200.00£15,200.00£28,200.00
Operational Research with Data Science (MSc) - 1 YearPTMSCOPRDS1FSchool of Mathematics£15,200.00£15,200.00£28,200.00
Operational Research with Data Science (MSc) - 1 YearPTMSCOPRDS1FSchool of Mathematics£15,200.00£15,200.00£28,200.00
Operational Research with Data Science (MSc) - 2 Years (Part-time)PTMSCOPRDS1PSchool of Mathematics£7,600.00£7,600.00£14,100.00
Operational Research with Data Science (MSc) - 2 Years (Part-time)PTMSCOPRDS1PSchool of Mathematics£7,600.00£7,600.00£14,100.00
Operational Research with Data Science (MSc) - 3 Years (Part-time)PTMSCOPRDS2PSchool of Mathematics£5,070.00£5,070.00£8,770.00
Operational Research with Data Science (MSc) - 3 Years (Part-time)PTMSCOPRDS2PSchool of Mathematics£5,070.00£5,070.00£8,770.00
Operational Research with Risk (MSc) (Full-time)PTMSCORRIS1FSchool of Mathematics£15,200.00£15,200.00£28,200.00
Operational Research with Risk (MSc) (Full-time)PTMSCORRIS1FSchool of Mathematics£15,200.00£15,200.00£28,200.00
Operational Research with Risk (MSc) (Part-time)PTMSCORRIS1PSchool of Mathematics£7,600.00£7,600.00£14,100.00
Operational Research with Risk (MSc) (Part-time)PTMSCORRIS1PSchool of Mathematics£7,600.00£7,600.00£14,100.00
Operational Research with Risk (PgDip) (Full-time) - 9 MonthsPTPGDORRIS1FSchool of Mathematics£15,200.00£15,200.00£28,200.00
Operational Research with Risk (PgDip) (Full-time) - 9 MonthsPTPGDORRIS1FSchool of Mathematics£15,200.00£15,200.00£28,200.00
Oral Surgery (DClinDent) (Full-time)PTDCDORSUR1FDeanery of Clinical Sciences£25,800.00£25,800.00£58,000.00
Oral Surgery (DClinDent) (Full-time)PTDCDORSUR1FDeanery of Clinical Sciences£25,800.00£25,800.00£58,000.00
Orthodontics (DClinDent) (Full-time)PTDCDORTHO1FDeanery of Clinical Sciences£25,800.00£25,800.00£58,000.00
Orthodontics (DClinDent) (Full-time)PTDCDORTHO1FDeanery of Clinical Sciences£25,800.00£25,800.00£58,000.00
Outdoor Education (MSc) (Full-time) - 15 MonthsPTMSCOUTED1FMoray House School of Education and Sport£18,000.00£18,000.00£32,000.00
Outdoor Education (MSc) (Full-time) - 15 MonthsPTMSCOUTED1FMoray House School of Education and Sport£18,000.00£18,000.00£32,000.00