Fees for taught masters 2017-2018

Tuition fees for full-time and part-time postgraduate taught degrees in 2017-2018.

The tuition fee shown in the table is for one year only.

For students whose studies commenced in 2022-23 or earlier, tuition fees will increase each year. You should take this annual tuition fee increase into consideration when you estimate your fees for a degree.

From 2023-24 tuition fees for new entrants will be fixed for the duration of their programme. If you joined us from August 2023 onwards and you are studying for a degree or qualification that will take more than one year to complete, the fee charged will be fixed at the level charged on the year of entry.

Showing rows 401 to 450, total number of results 679.

Programme nameProgramme CodeSchoolHome/EUInternationalOnline Distance LearningAdditional Programme Costs
International Animal Welfare, Ethics & Law (Online Distance Learning) (PgCert) (Part-time)PTPGCIAWEL1PRoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies£4,600.00
International Animal Welfare, Ethics & Law (Online Distance Learning) (PgDip) (Part-time)PTPGDIAWEL1PRoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies£4,600.00
International Banking Law and Finance (LLM) (Full-time)PTLLMIBLFI1FSchool of Law£10,800.00£19,300.00
International Business and Emerging Markets (MSc) (Full-time)PTMSCIBUEM1FBusiness School£20,100.00£22,800.00
International Commercial Law and Practice(Online Distance Learning) (LLM) - 2 years (part-time)PTLLMINCLP1PSchool of Law£9,200.00
International Commercial Law and Practice(Online Distance Learning) (LLM) - 20 months (part-time)PTLLMINCLP2PSchool of Law£9,200.00
International Commercial Law and Practice(Online Distance Learning) (LLM) - 3 years (part-time)PTLLMINCLP4PSchool of Law£6,135.00
International Commercial Law and Practice(Online Distance Learning) (LLM) - 32 months (part-time)PTLLMINCLP3PSchool of Law£6,135.00
International Commercial Law and Practice(Online Distance Learning)(LLM)PTLLMINCLP1FSchool of Law£18,400.00
International Development (MSc) (Full-time)PTMSCINTER1FSchool of Social and Political Science£12,300.00£19,300.00
International Development (MSc) - 2 Years (Part-time)PTMSCINTER1PSchool of Social and Political Science£6,150.00£9,650.00
International Development (Online Distance Learning) (MSc) - 2 Years (Part-time)PTMSCINTER2PSchool of Social and Political Science£6,650.00
International Development (Online Distance Learning) (MSc) - 3 Years (Part-time)PTMSCINTER3PSchool of Social and Political Science£4,335.00
International Development (Online Distance Learning) (PgCert) - 1 Year (Part-time)PTPGCINTER1PSchool of Social and Political Science£4,335.00
International Development (Online Distance Learning) (PgDip) - 2 Years (Part-time)PTPGDINTER1PSchool of Social and Political Science£4,335.00
International Economic Law (LLM) (Full-time)PTLLMINTEL1FSchool of Law£10,800.00£19,300.00
International Economic Law (LLM) (Part-time)PTLLMINTEL1PSchool of Law£5,400.00£9,650.00
International Human Resource Management (MSc)PTMSCINHRM1FBusiness School£12,300.00£20,100.00
International Law (LLM) (Full-time)PTLLMINTLA1FSchool of Law£10,800.00£19,300.00
International Law (LLM) (Part-time)PTLLMINTLA1PSchool of Law£5,400.00£9,650.00
International Law and Chinese (LLM)PTLLMITLCH1FSchool of Law£10,800.00£19,300.00
International Political Theory (MSc) (Full-time)PTMSCINTPO1FSchool of Social and Political Science£12,300.00£19,300.00
International Political Theory (MSc) (Part-time)PTMSCINTPO1PSchool of Social and Political Science£6,150.00£9,650.00
International Relations (MSc) (Full-time)PTMSCINTRE1FSchool of Social and Political Science£18,400.00£18,400.00
International Relations (MSc) (Part-time) - 2 YearsPTMSCINTRE1PSchool of Social and Political Science£9,200.00£9,200.00
International Relations of the Middle East (MSc) (Full-time)PTMSCINTME1FSchool of Social and Political Science£18,400.00£18,400.00
International Relations of the Middle East (MSc) - 2 Years (Part-time)PTMSCINTME1PSchool of Social and Political Science£9,200.00£9,200.00
International Relations of the Middle East with Advanced Arabic (MSc) - 2 Years (Full-time)PTMSCINTMA3FSchool of Social and Political Science£13,800.00£19,300.00
International Relations of the Middle East with Arabic (MSc) (Full-time)PTMSCINTMA1FSchool of Social and Political Science£13,800.00£19,300.00
International Social Work and Social Development (MSc) (Full-time)PTMSCISWSD1FSchool of Social and Political Science£12,300.00£19,300.00
International Social Work and Social Development (MSc) (Part-time)PTMSCISWSD1PSchool of Social and Political Science£6,150.00£9,650.00
Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies (MSc) (Full-time)PTMSCISLAM1FSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£9,500.00£19,300.00
Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies (MSc) (Part-time)PTMSCISLAM1PSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£4,750.00£9,650.00
Japanese Society and Culture (MSc) (Full-time)PTMSCJAPSC1FSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£9,500.00£19,300.00
Japanese Society and Culture (MSc) (Part-time)PTMSCJAPSC1PSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£4,750.00£9,650.00
Jewellery (MFA)PTMFAJESIL1FEdinburgh College of Art£6,150.00£13,700.00
Landscape and Wellbeing (MSc) - 1 Year (Full-time)PTMSCLANWE1FEdinburgh College of Art£9,500.00£19,300.00
Landscape and Wellbeing (MSc) - 2 Years (Part-time)PTMSCLANWE1PEdinburgh College of Art£4,750.00£9,650.00
Landscape Architecture (European Masters) (EMiLA)PTMSCLDAEM1FEdinburgh College of Art£9,500.00£19,300.00
Landscape Architecture (MLA)PTMLALANDS1FEdinburgh College of Art£9,500.00£19,300.00
Language Teaching (MSc) (Full-time)PTMSCLANTC1FMoray House School of Education and Sport£9,500.00£19,300.00
Language Teaching (MSc) (Part-time)PTMSCLANTC1PMoray House School of Education and Sport£4,750.00£9,650.00
Language Teaching (PgDip) (Full-time)PTPGDLANTC1FMoray House School of Education and Sport£6,335.00£12,870.00
Language Teaching (PgDip) (Part-time)PTPGDLANTC1PMoray House School of Education and Sport£3,170.00£6,435.00
Late Antique, Islamic and Byzantine Studies (MSc) (Full-time)PTMSCLATEA1FSchool of History, Classics and Archaeology£9,500.00£19,300.00
Late Antique, Islamic and Byzantine Studies (MSc) (Part-time)PTMSCLATEA1PSchool of History, Classics and Archaeology£4,750.00£9,650.00
Law (LLM) (Full-time)PTLLMLAWAA1FSchool of Law£10,800.00£19,300.00
Law (LLM) (Part-time)PTLLMLAWAA1PSchool of Law£5,400.00£9,650.00
Law (Online Distance Learning) (LLM) (Full-time)PTLLMLAWAB1FSchool of Law£18,400.00
Law (Online Distance Learning) (LLM) (Part-time) - 2 YearsPTLLMLAWAB3PSchool of Law£9,200.00