Fees for taught masters 2017-2018

Tuition fees for full-time and part-time postgraduate taught degrees in 2017-2018.

The tuition fee shown in the table is for one year only.

For students whose studies commenced in 2022-23 or earlier, tuition fees will increase each year. You should take this annual tuition fee increase into consideration when you estimate your fees for a degree.

From 2023-24 tuition fees for new entrants will be fixed for the duration of their programme. If you joined us from August 2023 onwards and you are studying for a degree or qualification that will take more than one year to complete, the fee charged will be fixed at the level charged on the year of entry.

Showing rows 251 to 300, total number of results 679.

Programme nameProgramme CodeSchoolHome/EUInternationalOnline Distance LearningAdditional Programme Costs
Environment and Development (MSc) (Part-time) - 2 YearsPTMSCENVDE1PSchool of Geosciences£6,150.00£12,750.00
Environment and Development (MSc) (Part-time) - 3 YearsPTMSCENVDE2PSchool of Geosciences£4,100.00£8,500.00
Environment, Culture and Society (MSc) (Full-time)PTMSCENVCS1FSchool of Geosciences£10,800.00£23,700.00
Environment, Culture and Society (MSc) (Part-time) - 2 YearsPTMSCENVCS1PSchool of Geosciences£5,400.00£11,850.00
Environmental Protection and Management (SAC) (MSc) (Part-time) - 2 YearsPTMSCENVPM1PSchool of Geosciences£6,150.00£12,750.00
Environmental Protection and Management (SAC) (MSc) (Part-time) - 3 YearsPTMSCENVPM2PSchool of Geosciences£4,600.00£8,500.00
Environmental Protection and Management (SAC) (MSc) - 1 Year (Full-time)PTMSCENVPM1FSchool of Geosciences£12,300.00£25,500.00
Environmental Sustainability (MSc) (Full-time)PTMSCENVSS1FSchool of Geosciences£12,300.00£25,500.00
Environmental Sustainability (MSc) (Part-time) - 2 YearsPTMSCENVSS1PSchool of Geosciences£6,150.00£12,750.00
Environmental Sustainability (MSc) (Part-time) - 3 YearsPTMSCENVSS2PSchool of Geosciences£4,100.00£8,500.00
Epistemology, Ethics and Mind (MSC) (Online Distance Learning) (Full-time)PTMSCEPIMD1FSchool of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences£15,200.00
Epistemology, Ethics and Mind (PgDip) (Online Distance Learning) - 9 Months (Full-time)PTPGDEPIMD1FSchool of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences£10,135.00
Equine Science (Online Distance Learning) (MSc) (Part-time)PTMSCEQUIS1PRoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies£4,600.00
Equine Science (Online Distance Learning) (PgDip) (Part-time)PTPGDEQUIS1PRoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies£4,600.00
Ethics (MSc) (Full-time)PTMSCETHIC1FSchool of Divinity£9,500.00£19,300.00
Ethics (MSc) (Part-time)PTMSCETHIC1PSchool of Divinity£4,750.00£9,650.00
Ethics (MTh) (Full-time)PTMTHETHIC1FSchool of Divinity£9,500.00£19,300.00
Ethics (MTh) (Part-time)PTMTHETHIC1PSchool of Divinity£4,750.00£9,650.00
European Archaeology (MSc) (Full-time)PTMSCEUARC1FSchool of History, Classics and Archaeology£9,500.00£19,300.00
European Archaeology (MSc) (Part-time)PTMSCEUARC1PSchool of History, Classics and Archaeology£4,750.00£9,650.00
European Law (LLM) (Full-time)PTLLMEULAW1FSchool of Law£10,800.00£19,300.00
European Law (LLM) (Part-time)PTLLMEULAW1PSchool of Law£5,400.00£9,650.00
Evolution of Language and Cognition (MSc) (Full-time)PTMSCEVOLC1FSchool of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences£9,500.00£20,100.00
Evolution of Language and Cognition (MSc) (Part-time)PTMSCEVOLC1PSchool of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences£4,750.00£10,050.00
Evolutionary Genetics (MSc) (Full-time)PTMSCEVOGE1FSchool of Biological Sciences£13,800.00£27,400.00
Evolutionary Genetics (MSc) (Part-time)PTMSCEVOGE1PSchool of Biological Sciences£6,900.00£13,700.00
Evolutionary Genetics (PgDip)PTPGDEVOGE1FSchool of Biological Sciences£13,800.00£27,400.00
Executive Business Administration (MBA) - 27 Months (Part-time)PTMBAEXMBA2PBusiness School£13,550.00£13,550.00
Family Medicine (MFM) (Online Distance Learning) - 2 years (Part-time)PTMFMFAMME1PDeanery of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences£5,400.00
Fashion (MFA)PTMFATFASH1FEdinburgh College of Art£6,150.00£13,700.00
Film Directing (MA (eca))PTMARTFIDI1FEdinburgh College of Art£9,500.00£20,100.00
Film Directing (MFA)PTMFATFIDI1FEdinburgh College of Art£6,150.00£13,700.00
Film Studies (MSc) (Full-time)PTMSCFLMST1FSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£9,500.00£19,300.00
Film Studies (MSc) (Part-time)PTMSCFLMST1PSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£4,750.00£9,650.00
Film, Exhibition and Curation (MSc) (Full-time)PTMSCFILEC1FSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£10,200.00£20,100.00
Film, Exhibition and Curation (MSc) (Part-time)PTMSCFILEC1PSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£5,100.00£10,050.00
Finance (MSc) - 1 Year (Full-time)PTMSCFINAN1FBusiness School£20,100.00£26,400.00
Financial Mathematics (jointly with Heriot-Watt University) (MSc)PTMSCFINMA2FSchool of Mathematics£20,090.00£23,410.00
Financial Modelling and Optimization (MSc) (Full-time)PTMSCFINMO1FSchool of Mathematics£21,900.00£25,500.00
Financial Modelling and Optimization (MSc) (Part-time)PTMSCFINMO1PSchool of Mathematics£10,950.00£12,750.00
Financial Modelling and Optimization (PgDip) (Full-time) - 9 MonthsPTPGDFINMO1FSchool of Mathematics£21,900.00£25,500.00
Food Security (SAC) (MSc) (Full-time)PTMSCFOODS1FSchool of Geosciences£12,300.00£25,500.00
Food Security (SAC) (MSc) (Part-time) - 2 YearsPTMSCFOODS2PSchool of Geosciences£6,150.00£12,750.00
Food Security (SAC) (MSc) (Part-time) - 3 YearsPTMSCFOODS3PSchool of Geosciences£4,600.00£8,500.00
Gender History (MSc) (Part-time)PTMSCGENHI1PSchool of History, Classics and Archaeology£4,750.00£9,650.00
General Surgery (Online Distance Learning) (ChM) (Part-time)PTCHMGENSU1PDeanery of Clinical Sciences£5,400.00
Geographical Information Science (MSc) (Full-time)PTMSCGISCI1FSchool of Geosciences£10,800.00£23,700.00
Geographical Information Science (MSc) (Part-time) - 2 YearsPTMSCGISCI1PSchool of Geosciences£5,400.00£11,850.00
Geographical Information Science (MSc) (Part-time) - 3 YearsPTMSCGISCI2PSchool of Geosciences£3,600.00£7,900.00
Geographical Information Science and Archaeology (MSc) - 1 Year (Full-time)PTMSCGISCA1FSchool of Geosciences£10,800.00£23,700.00