Fees for research degrees 2022-2023

Tuition fees for full-time and part-time postgraduate research degrees running in 2022-2023.

The tuition fee shown in the table is for one year only.

Overseas applicants who begin their programme of study in academic year 2022-23 onwards will pay a fixed rate of tuition fee depending on the year they started their programme.

Fees for PhD and MPhil degrees

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) set the tuition fees for Home students studying PhD or MPhil degrees.

Showing rows 201 to 250, total number of results 975.

Programme nameProgramme CodeSchoolScotlandRest of UKInternational/EUAdditional Programme Costs
Creative Music Practice by Distance (PhD) - 6 Years (Part-time)PRPHDCRMUS2PEdinburgh College of Art£2,298.00£2,298.00£11,675.00
Creative Writing (PhD) (Full-time)PRPHDCRWRI1FSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£4,596.00£4,596.00£23,350.00
Creative Writing (PhD) (Part-time)PRPHDCRWRI1PSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£2,298.00£2,298.00£11,675.00
Critical Resource Catalysis (UoE lead with StA & HWU) (PHD) (Full-time)PRPHDCRCAT1FSchool of Chemistry£4,596.00£4,596.00£28,000.00
Critical Theory (MSc by Research) (Full-time)PRMSCCRITT1FSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£9,700.00£9,700.00£25,300.00
Critical Theory (MSc by Research) (Part-time)PRMSCCRITT1PSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£4,850.00£4,850.00£12,650.00
Cultural Studies (MSc by Research)PRMSCCULST1FEdinburgh College of Art£9,700.00£9,700.00£25,300.00
Cultural Studies (MSc by Research) - 2 years (Part-time)PRMSCCULST1PEdinburgh College of Art£4,850.00£4,850.00£12,650.00
Cultural Studies (PhD) (Full-time)PRPHDCULST1FEdinburgh College of Art£4,596.00£4,596.00£23,350.00
Cultural Studies (PhD) (Part-time)PRPHDCULST1PEdinburgh College of Art£2,298.00£2,298.00£11,675.00
Cultural Studies by Distance (PhD) - 3 Years (Full-time)PRPHDCULST2FEdinburgh College of Art£4,596.00£4,596.00£23,350.00
Cultural Studies by Distance (PhD) - 6 Years (Part-time)PRPHDCULST2PEdinburgh College of Art£2,298.00£2,298.00£11,675.00
Cyber Security, Privacy and Trust (MSc by Research)PRMSCCYSPT1FSchool of Informatics£9,700.00£9,700.00£31,100.00£1,000.00
Cyber Security, Privacy and Trust (MSc by Research)PRMSCCYSPT1PSchool of Informatics£4,850.00£4,850.00£15,550.00£500.00
Cyber Security, Privacy and Trust (PhD)PRPHDCYSPT1FSchool of Informatics£4,596.00£4,596.00£28,000.00
Cyber Security, Privacy and Trust (PhD)PRPHDCYSPT1PSchool of Informatics£2,298.00£2,298.00£14,000.00£500.00
Data Intensive Astronomy (non UoE Lead) (PhD) - 3 Years (Full-time)PRPHDDIAST2FSchool of Physics and Astronomy£4,596.00£4,596.00£28,000.00
Data Intensive Astronomy (UoE Lead) (PhD) - 3 Years (Full-time)PRPHDDIAST1FSchool of Physics and Astronomy£4,596.00£4,596.00£28,000.00£1,000.00
Data Intensive Physics (Non UoE Lead) (PhD) - 3 Years (Full-time)PRPHDDIPHY2FSchool of Physics and Astronomy£4,596.00£4,596.00£28,000.00
Data Intensive Physics (UoE Lead) (PhD) - 3 Years (Full-time)PRPHDDIPHY1FSchool of Physics and Astronomy£4,596.00£4,596.00£28,000.00£1,000.00
Data Science (MSc)(R)PRMSCDATSC1FSchool of Informatics£4,596.00£4,596.00£28,000.00
Data Science (PhD) (Full-time)PRPHDDATSC1FSchool of Informatics£4,596.00£4,596.00£28,000.00£1,000.00
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (PhD) - 3 Years (Full-Time)PRPHDDSCAI1FSchool of Informatics£4,596.00£4,596.00£28,000.00£1,000.00
Dental Surgery (DDS) (2 Years) (Full-time)PRDDSDENSG1FDeanery of Clinical Sciences£4,596.00£4,596.00£45,700.00
Dental Surgery (DDS) (3 Years) (Part-time)PRDDSDENSG3PDeanery of Clinical Sciences£3,065.00£3,065.00£30,470.00
Dental Surgery (DDS) (4 Years) (Part-time)PRDDSDENSG4PDeanery of Clinical Sciences£2,298.00£2,298.00£22,850.00
Dentistry (MPhil) (Full-time)PRMPHDENTS1FDeanery of Clinical Sciences£4,596.00£4,596.00£45,700.00Yes, costs vary
Dentistry (MPhil) (Part-time)PRMPHDENTS1PDeanery of Clinical Sciences£2,298.00£2,298.00£22,850.00Yes, costs vary
Dentistry (PhD) (Full-time)PRPHDDENTS1FDeanery of Clinical Sciences£4,596.00£4,596.00£45,700.00Yes, costs vary
Dentistry (PhD) (Part-time)PRPHDDENTS1PDeanery of Clinical Sciences£2,298.00£2,298.00£22,850.00Yes, costs vary
Design (AHRC) (PhD) - 4 Years (Full-Time)PRPHDDESGN4FEdinburgh College of Art£4,596.00£4,596.00£23,350.00
Design (AHRC) (PhD) - 7.5 years (Part-Time)PRPHDDESGN3PEdinburgh College of Art£2,298.00£2,298.00
Design (AHRC) (PhD) - 8 Years (Part-Time)PRPHDDESGN2PEdinburgh College of Art£2,298.00£2,298.00
Design (MPhil) - 2 Years (Full-Time)PRMPHDESIG1FEdinburgh College of Art£4,596.00£4,596.00£23,350.00
Design (MPhil) - 4 Years (Part-Time)PRMPHDESIG1PEdinburgh College of Art£2,298.00£2,298.00£11,675.00
Design - Full Time (AHRC) (PhD) - 3.5 YearsPRPHDDESGN6FEdinburgh College of Art£4,596.00£4,596.00£23,350.00
Design - Part TIme (AHRC) (PhD) - 6 YearsPRPHDDESGN4PEdinburgh College of Art£2,298.00£2,298.00£11,675.00
Design by Distance (PhD) - 3 Years (Full-time)PRPHDDESGN7FEdinburgh College of Art£4,596.00£4,596.00£23,350.00
Design by Distance (PhD) - 6 Years (Part-time)PRPHDDESGN5PEdinburgh College of Art£2,298.00£2,298.00£11,675.00
Design PhD - 3 Years (Full-Time)PRPHDDESIG1FEdinburgh College of Art£4,596.00£4,596.00£23,350.00
Design PhD - 6 Years (Part-Time)PRPHDDESIG1PEdinburgh College of Art£2,298.00£2,298.00£11,675.00
Developmental Biology (MPhil) - 4 Years (Part-time)PRMPHDEVBI1PRoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies£2,298.00£2,298.00£14,000.00Yes, costs vary
Developmental Biology (MScR) - 1 Year (Full-time)PRMSCDEVBI1FRoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies£9,700.00£9,700.00£31,100.00Yes, costs vary
Developmental Biology (MScR) - 2 Years (Part-time)PRMSCDEVBI1PRoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies£4,850.00£4,850.00£15,550.00Yes, costs vary
Developmental Biology (PhD) - 3 Years (Full-time)PRPHDDEVBI1FRoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies£4,596.00£4,596.00£28,000.00Yes, costs vary
Developmental Biology (PhD) - 6 Years (Part-time)PRPHDDEVBI1PRoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies£2,298.00£2,298.00£14,000.00Yes, costs vary
Devlopmental Biology (MPhil) - 2 Years (Full-time)PRMPHDEVBI1FRoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies£4,596.00£4,596.00£28,000.00Yes, costs vary
Digital Media and Culture (MSc by Research) (Full-time)PRMSCDIGMC1FEdinburgh College of Art£9,700.00£9,700.00£25,300.00
Digital Media and Culture (MSc by Research) (Part-time)PRMSCDIGMC1PEdinburgh College of Art£4,850.00£4,850.00£12,650.00
Digital Studio Practice (MSc by Research) (Full-time)PRMSCDIGST1FEdinburgh College of Art£9,700.00£9,700.00£25,300.00£800.00