Fees for research degrees 2020-2021

Tuition fees for full-time and part-time postgraduate research degrees running in 2020-2021.

The tuition fee shown in the table is for one year only.

Overseas applicants who begin their programme of study in academic year 2022-23 onwards will pay a fixed rate of tuition fee depending on the year they started their programme.

Fees for PhD and MPhil degrees

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) set the tuition fees for Home students studying PhD or MPhil degrees.

Showing rows 801 to 833, total number of results 833.

Programme nameProgramme CodeSchoolHome/EUInternationalAdditional Programme Costs
Stem Cell Research (MPhil)PRMPHSTMCL1FSchool of Biological Sciences£4,407.00£23,500.00
Stem Cell Research (MSc by Research) (Full-time)PRMSCSTMCL1FSchool of Biological Sciences£8,750.00£28,150.00
Stem Cell Research (PhD) (Full-time)PRPHDSTMCL1FSchool of Biological Sciences£4,407.00£23,500.00
Stem Cell Research (PhD) (Part-time)PRPHDSTMCL1PSchool of Biological Sciences£2,204.00£11,750.00
Surgery (MPhil) (Full-time)PRMPHMEDRAEFDeanery of Clinical Sciences£4,407.00£23,500.00Yes, costs vary
Surgery (MPhil) (Part-time)PRMPHMEDRAEPDeanery of Clinical Sciences£2,204.00£11,750.00Yes, costs vary
Surgery (MSc by Research) (Full-time)PRMSCSURGE1FDeanery of Clinical Sciences£8,750.00£46,500.00Yes, costs vary
Surgery (MSc by Research) (Part-time)PRMSCSURGE1PDeanery of Clinical Sciences£4,375.00£23,250.00Yes, costs vary
Surgery (PhD) (Full-time)PRPHDMEDRAEFDeanery of Clinical Sciences£4,407.00£38,350.00Yes, costs vary
Surgery (PhD) (Part-time)PRPHDMEDRAEPDeanery of Clinical Sciences£2,204.00£19,175.00Yes, costs vary
Systematic Theology (MPhil)PRMPHDIVIN6FSchool of Divinity£4,407.00£20,100.00
Systematic Theology (MSc by Research) (Full-time)PRMSCDIVIN6FSchool of Divinity£8,750.00£22,850.00
Systematic Theology (MSc by Research) (Part-time)PRMSCDIVIN6PSchool of Divinity£4,375.00£11,425.00
Systematic Theology (MTh by Research) (Full-time)PRMTHDIVIN3FSchool of Divinity£8,750.00£22,850.00
Systematic Theology (MTh by Research) (Part-time)PRMTHDIVIN3PSchool of Divinity£4,375.00£11,425.00
Systematic Theology (PhD) (Full-time)PRPHDDIVIN6FSchool of Divinity£4,407.00£20,100.00
Systematic Theology (PhD) (Part-time)PRPHDDIVIN6PSchool of Divinity£2,204.00£10,050.00
Tissue Repair (PHD) - 3 Year (Full-Time)PRPHDTISRE1FDeanery of Clinical Sciences£4,407.00£23,500.00Yes, costs vary
Tissue Repair (PHD) - 6 Years (Part-Time)PRPHDTISRE1PDeanery of Clinical Sciences£2,204.00£11,750.00Yes, costs vary
Translation Studies (PhD) (Full-time)PRPHDTRANS1FSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£4,407.00£20,100.00
Translation Studies (PhD) (Part-time)PRPHDTRANS1PSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£2,204.00£10,050.00
Translational Neuroscience (PhD with Integrated Study) - 4 YearsPRPHDWISTN1FDeanery of Biomedical Sciences£4,407.00£23,500.00
Wind and Marine Energy Systems and Structures (UoE lead with Strathclyde and Uni of Oxford) (EngD) - 4 Years (Full-Time)PRENGWMESS1FSchool of Engineering£4,407.00£23,500.00
Wind and Marine Energy Systems and Structures (UoE Lead with Strathclyde and Uni of Oxford) (MSc)(R) - 1 Year (Full-Time)PRMSCWMESS1FSchool of Engineering£8,750.00£28,150.00
Wind and Marine Energy Systems and Structures (UoE Lead with Strathclyde and Uni of Oxford) (PhD with Integrated Study) - 4 Years (Full-Time)PRPHDWMESS1FSchool of Engineering£4,407.00£23,500.00
World Christianity (AHRC) (PhD) - 4 Years (Full-Time)PRPHDDIVIW4FSchool of Divinity£4,407.00£20,100.00
World Christianity (MPhil)PRMPHDIVIN7FSchool of Divinity£4,407.00£20,100.00
World Christianity (MSc by Research) (Full-time)PRMSCDIVIN7FSchool of Divinity£8,750.00£22,850.00
World Christianity (MSc by Research) (Part-time)PRMSCDIVIN7PSchool of Divinity£4,375.00£11,425.00
World Christianity (MTh by Research) (Full-time)PRMTHDIVIN7FSchool of Divinity£8,750.00£22,850.00
World Christianity (MTh by Research) (Part-time)PRMTHDIVIN7PSchool of Divinity£4,375.00£11,425.00
World Christianity (PhD) (Full-time)PRPHDDIVIN7FSchool of Divinity£4,407.00£20,100.00
World Christianity (PhD) (Part-time)PRPHDDIVIN7PSchool of Divinity£2,204.00£10,050.00