Fees for research degrees 2019-2020

Tuition fees for full-time and part-time postgraduate research degrees running in 2019-2020.

The tuition fee shown in the table is for one year only.

Overseas applicants who begin their programme of study in academic year 2022-23 onwards will pay a fixed rate of tuition fee depending on the year they started their programme.

Fees for PhD and MPhil degrees

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) set the tuition fees for Home students studying PhD or MPhil degrees. These tuition fees are usually confirmed later than the tuition fees for Overseas/International students. The tuition fee for 2024-2025 was £4,786.

Showing rows 351 to 400, total number of results 816.

Programme nameProgramme CodeSchoolHome/EUInternationalAdditional Programme Costs
Geometry and Topology (PhD) (Part-time)PRPHDMATST4PSchool of Mathematics£2,164.00£9,500.00
GeoSciences (Individual Project) (MSc by Research) (Full-time)PRMSCGSATS1FSchool of Geosciences£8,300.00£26,600.00£1,000.00
GeoSciences (Individual Project) (MSc by Research) (Part-time)PRMSCGSATS1PSchool of Geosciences£4,150.00£13,300.00
Geriatric Medicine (MPhil) (Full-time)PRMPHMEDRA6FDeanery of Clinical Sciences£4,327.00£22,200.00Yes, costs vary
Geriatric Medicine (MPhil) (Part-time)PRMPHMEDRA6PDeanery of Clinical Sciences£2,164.00£11,100.00Yes, costs vary
Geriatric Medicine (PhD) (Full-time)PRPHDMEDRA6FDeanery of Clinical Sciences£4,327.00£22,200.00Yes, costs vary
Geriatric Medicine (PhD) (Part-time)PRPHDMEDRA6PDeanery of Clinical Sciences£2,164.00£11,100.00Yes, costs vary
German (PhD) (Full-time)PRPHDGERMN1FSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£4,327.00£19,000.00
German (PhD) (Part-time) - 6 YearsPRPHDGERMN1PSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£2,164.00£9,500.00
German Studies (MSc by Research) (Full-time)PRMSCGRMST1FSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£8,300.00£21,600.00
German Studies (MSc by Research) (Part-time) - 2 YearsPRMSCGRMST1PSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£4,150.00£10,800.00
Global Health (PhD) - 3 Years (Full-time)PRPHDGLOBH2FDeanery of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences£4,327.00£19,000.00£1,000.00
Global Health (PhD) - 6 Years (Part-time)PRPHDGLOBH2PDeanery of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences£2,164.00£9,500.00£500.00
Global Health Policy (MSc)(R) - 1 YearPRMSCGLOHP1FSchool of Social and Political Science£8,300.00£21,600.00
Global Health Policy (MSc)(R) - 2 Years (Part-time)PRMSCGLOHP1PSchool of Social and Political Science£4,150.00£10,800.00
Global Health Policy (PHD)PRPHDGLOHP1FSchool of Social and Political Science£4,327.00£19,000.00
Global Health Policy (PHD) - 6 Years (Part-time)PRPHDGLOHP1PSchool of Social and Political Science£2,164.00£9,500.00
Health Humanities and Arts (MSC)(R) - 1 Year (Full-Time)PRMSCHEHUA1FSchool of Health in Social Science£8,300.00£21,600.00
Health Humanities and Arts (MSc)(R) - 2 Years (Part-Time)PRMSCHEHUA2PSchool of Health in Social Science£4,150.00£10,800.00
Health in Social Science (Part-time) (PHD)PRPHDHEASS1PSchool of Health in Social Science£2,164.00£9,500.00
Health in Social Science (PHD)PRPHDHEASS1FSchool of Health in Social Science£4,327.00£19,000.00
Hebrew and Old Testament Studies (MPhil)PRMPHDIVIN4FSchool of Divinity£4,327.00£19,000.00
Hebrew and Old Testament Studies (MSc by Research) (Full-time)PRMSCDIVIN3FSchool of Divinity£8,300.00£21,600.00
Hebrew and Old Testament Studies (MSc by Research) (Part-time)PRMSCDIVIN3PSchool of Divinity£4,150.00£10,800.00
Hebrew and Old Testament Studies (MTh by Research) (Full-time)PRMTHDIVIN1FSchool of Divinity£8,300.00£21,600.00
Hebrew and Old Testament Studies (MTh by Research) (Part-time)PRMTHDIVIN1PSchool of Divinity£4,150.00£10,800.00
Hebrew and Old Testament Studies (PhD) (Full-time)PRPHDDIVIN3FSchool of Divinity£4,327.00£19,000.00
Hebrew and Old Testament Studies (PhD) (Part-time)PRPHDDIVIN3PSchool of Divinity£2,164.00£9,500.00
Hispanic Studies (MSc by Research) (Full-time)PRMSCHISPC1FSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£8,300.00£21,600.00
Hispanic Studies (MSc by Research) (Part-time)PRMSCHISPC1PSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£4,150.00£10,800.00
Hispanic Studies (PhD) (Full-time) - 3 YearsPRPHDHISPC1FSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£4,327.00£19,000.00
Hispanic Studies (PhD) (Part-time) - 6 YearsPRPHDHISPC1PSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£2,164.00£9,500.00
History (AHRC) (PhD) - 4 Years (Full-Time)PRPHDHSTRY4FEdinburgh College of Art£4,327.00£19,000.00
History (PhD) (Part-time) - 6 YearsPRPHDHISTY1PSchool of History, Classics and Archaeology£2,164.00£9,500.00
History (PhD) - (Full-time)PRPHDHISTY1FSchool of History, Classics and Archaeology£4,327.00£19,000.00
History (PHD) with Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Full-time)PRPHDHISTY2FSchool of History, Classics and Archaeology£4,327.00£19,000.00
History (Scottish History Division) (MSc by Research) (Full-time)PRMSCHISSC1FSchool of History, Classics and Archaeology£8,300.00£21,600.00
History (Scottish History Division) (MSc by Research) (Part-time)PRMSCHISSC1PSchool of History, Classics and Archaeology£4,150.00£10,800.00
History and Philosophy of Law (LLM by Research) (Full-time)PRLLMHISPL1FSchool of Law£10,700.00£21,600.00£100.00
History and Philosophy of Law (LLM by Research) (Part-time)PRLLMHISPL1PSchool of Law£5,350.00£10,800.00£50.00
History I (Arts Division) (MSc by Research) (Full-time)PRMSCHIS1A1FSchool of History, Classics and Archaeology£8,300.00£21,600.00
History I (Arts Division) (MSc by Research) (Part-time)PRMSCHIS1A1PSchool of History, Classics and Archaeology£4,150.00£10,800.00
History of Art (MPhil) (Full-time)PRMPHHOART1FEdinburgh College of Art£4,327.00£19,000.00
History of Art (MPhil) (Part-time)PRMPHHOART1PEdinburgh College of Art£2,164.00£9,500.00
History of Art (MSc by Research) (Full-time)PRMSCHOART1FEdinburgh College of Art£8,300.00£21,600.00
History of Art (MSc by Research) (Part-time)PRMSCHOART2PEdinburgh College of Art£4,150.00£10,800.00
History of Art (PhD) (Full-time)PRPHDHOART1FEdinburgh College of Art£4,327.00£19,000.00
History of Art (PhD) (Part-time) - 6 YearsPRPHDHOART1PEdinburgh College of Art£2,164.00£9,500.00
History of Christianity (MPhil)PRMPHHICHR1FSchool of Divinity£4,327.00£19,000.00
History of Christianity (MPhil) - 4 Years (Part-time)PRMPHHICHR1PSchool of Divinity£2,164.00£9,500.00