Fees for research degrees 2017-2018

Tuition fees for full-time and part-time postgraduate research degrees running in 2017-2018.

The tuition fee shown in the table is for one year only.

Overseas applicants who begin their programme of study in academic year 2022-23 onwards will pay a fixed rate of tuition fee depending on the year they started their programme.

Fees for PhD and MPhil degrees

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) set the tuition fees for Home students studying PhD or MPhil degrees.

Showing rows 651 to 700, total number of results 790.

Programme nameProgramme CodeSchoolHome/EUInternationalAdditional Programme Costs
Regenerative Medicine (MPhil)PRMPHREGME1FDeanery of Clinical Sciences£4,195.00£19,100.00Yes, costs vary
Regenerative Medicine (MPhil)PRMPHREGME1PDeanery of Clinical Sciences£2,098.00£9,550.00Yes, costs vary
Regenerative Medicine (PhD) - Full-timePRPHDREGME1FDeanery of Clinical Sciences£4,195.00£19,100.00Yes, costs vary
Regenerative Medicine (PhD) - Part-timePRPHDREGME1PDeanery of Clinical Sciences£2,098.00£9,550.00Yes, costs vary
Rehabilitation Medicine (MPhil) (Full-time)PRMPHMEDRABFDeanery of Clinical Sciences£4,195.00£19,100.00Yes, costs vary
Rehabilitation Medicine (MPhil) (Part-time)PRMPHMEDRABPDeanery of Clinical Sciences£2,098.00£9,550.00
Religious Studies (MPhil)PRMPHDIVIN2FSchool of Divinity£4,195.00£14,600.00
Religious Studies (MSc by Research) (Full-time)PRMSCDIVIN5FSchool of Divinity£7,400.00£19,300.00
Religious Studies (MSc by Research) (Part-time)PRMSCDIVIN5PSchool of Divinity£3,700.00£9,650.00
Religious Studies (MTh by Research) (Full-time)PRMTHDIVIN2FSchool of Divinity£7,400.00£19,300.00
Religious Studies (MTh by Research) (Part-time)PRMTHDIVIN2PSchool of Divinity£3,700.00£9,650.00
Religious Studies (PhD) (Full-time)PRPHDDIVIN5FSchool of Divinity£4,195.00£14,600.00
Religious Studies (PhD) (Part-time)PRPHDDIVIN5PSchool of Divinity£2,098.00£7,300.00
Reproductive Health (MPhil) - 2 Years (Full-time)PRMPHREPHE1FDeanery of Clinical Sciences£4,195.00£19,100.00
Reproductive Health (PhD) (Full-time)PRPHDMEDRACFDeanery of Clinical Sciences£4,195.00£19,100.00Yes, costs vary
Reproductive Health (PhD) (Part-time)PRPHDMEDRACPDeanery of Clinical Sciences£2,098.00£9,550.00Yes, costs vary
Reproductive Sciences (MSc by Research)PRMSCREPSC1FDeanery of Clinical Sciences£7,400.00£23,700.00£4,000.00
Respiratory Medicine (MPhil) (Full-time)PRMPHMEDRADFDeanery of Clinical Sciences£4,195.00£19,100.00Yes, costs vary
Respiratory Medicine (MPhil) (Part-time)PRMPHMEDRADPDeanery of Clinical Sciences£2,098.00£9,550.00
Respiratory Medicine (MSc by Research) (Full-time)PRMSCRESPI1FDeanery of Clinical Sciences£7,400.00£23,700.00Yes, costs vary
Respiratory Medicine (MSc by Research) (Part-time)PRMSCRESPI1PDeanery of Clinical Sciences£3,700.00£11,850.00Yes, costs vary
Respiratory Medicine (PhD) (Full-time)PRPHDMEDRADFDeanery of Clinical Sciences£4,195.00£19,100.00Yes, costs vary
Respiratory Medicine (PhD) (Part-time)PRPHDMEDRADPDeanery of Clinical Sciences£2,098.00£9,550.00Yes, costs vary
Robotics and Autonomous Systems (MSc)(R) (HWU Lead)PRMSCROBAS2FSchool of Informatics£4,195.00£19,100.00£1,000.00
Robotics and Autonomous Systems (MSc)(R) (UoE Lead)PRMSCROBAS1FSchool of Informatics£4,195.00£19,100.00£1,000.00
Robotics and Autonomous Systems (PhD) (HWU Lead) (Full-time)PRPHDROBAS2FSchool of Informatics£4,195.00£19,100.00
Robotics and Autonomous Systems (PhD) (UoE Lead) (Full-time)PRPHDROBAS1FSchool of Informatics£4,195.00£19,100.00£1,000.00
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies (Animal Genomics and Disease Resistance) (MPhil) (Full-time)PRMPHRDVET1FRoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies£4,195.00£19,100.00Yes, costs vary
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies (Animal Genomics and Disease Resistance) (MPhil) (Part-time)PRMPHRDVET1PRoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies£2,098.00£9,550.00Yes, costs vary
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies (Animal Genomics and Disease Resistance) (MSc by Research) (Full-time)PRMSCRDVET1FRoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies£7,400.00£23,700.00
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies (Animal Genomics and Disease Resistance) (MSc by Research) (Part-time)PRMSCRDVET1PRoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies£3,700.00£11,850.00
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies (Animal Genomics and Disease Resistance) (PhD) (Full-time)PRPHDRDVET1FRoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies£4,195.00£19,100.00Yes, costs vary
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies (Animal Genomics and Disease Resistance) (PhD) (Part-time)PRPHDRDVET1PRoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies£2,098.00£9,550.00Yes, costs vary
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies (PhD) (Full-time)PRPHDRDVET8FRoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies£4,195.00£19,100.00Yes, costs vary
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies (PhD) (Part-time)PRPHDRDVET8PRoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies£2,098.00£9,550.00Yes, costs vary
Russian (MSc by Research) (Full-time)PRMSCRUSSN1FSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£7,400.00£19,300.00
Russian (MSc by Research) (Part-time)PRMSCRUSSN1PSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£3,700.00£9,650.00
Russian (PhD) (Full-time)PRPHDRUSSN1FSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£4,195.00£14,600.00
Russian (PhD) (Part-time) - 6 YearsPRPHDRUSSN1PSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£2,098.00£7,300.00
Sanskrit (MSc by Research) (Full-time)PRMSCSANSK1FSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£7,400.00£19,300.00
Sanskrit (MSc by Research) (Part-time)PRMSCSANSK1PSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£3,700.00£9,650.00
Sanskrit (PhD) (Full-time)PRPHDSANSK1FSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£4,195.00£14,600.00
Sanskrit (PhD) (Part-time)PRPHDSANSK1PSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£2,098.00£7,300.00
Scandinavian Studies (PhD) (Full-time)PRPHDSCDST1FSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£4,195.00£14,600.00
Scandinavian Studies (PhD) (Part-time) - 6 YearsPRPHDSCDST1PSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£2,098.00£7,300.00
Scandinavian Studies I (MSc by Research) (Full-time)PRMSCSCST11FSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£7,400.00£19,300.00
Scandinavian Studies I (MSc by Research) (Part-time)PRMSCSCST11PSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£3,700.00£9,650.00
Scandinavian Studies II (MSc by Research) (Full-time)PRMSCSCST21FSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£7,400.00£19,300.00
Scandinavian Studies II (MSc by Research) (Part-time)PRMSCSCST21PSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures£3,700.00£9,650.00
Science and Religion (MPH) - 2 YearsPRMPHSCREL1FSchool of Divinity£4,195.00£14,600.00