Fees for research degrees 2017-2018

Tuition fees for full-time and part-time postgraduate research degrees running in 2017-2018.

The tuition fee shown in the table is for one year only.

Overseas applicants who begin their programme of study in academic year 2022-23 onwards will pay a fixed rate of tuition fee depending on the year they started their programme.

Fees for PhD and MPhil degrees

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) set the tuition fees for Home students studying PhD or MPhil degrees.

Showing rows 601 to 650, total number of results 790.

Programme nameProgramme CodeSchoolHome/EUInternationalAdditional Programme Costs
Pathology (PHD) - 6 Years (Part-time)PRPHDPATHO2PDeanery of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences£2,098.00£9,550.00
Pervasive Parallelism (MSc)(R)PRMSCPERPA1FSchool of Informatics£4,195.00£19,100.00£1,000.00
Pervasive Parallelism (PhD) (Full-time)PRPHDPERPA1FSchool of Informatics£4,195.00£19,100.00£1,000.00
PhD (eca)PRPHDPGRSS1FEdinburgh College of Art£4,195.00£14,600.00
PhD (eca) (Part-time)PRPHDPGRSS1PEdinburgh College of Art£2,098.00£7,300.00
PhD in Neuroinformatics (with Albert-Ludwig University of Freiburg)PRPHDNEALU1FSchool of Informatics£4,195.00£19,100.00
PhD in Neuroinformatics (with KTH Royal Institute of Technology)PRPHDNEKTH1FSchool of Informatics£4,195.00£19,100.00
PhD Management with Macquarie University (Non-UoE Lead) - 3 YearsPRPHDMANAG1FBusiness School£4,195.00£14,600.00£200.00
Philosophy (MPhil) (Full-time)PRMPHPHILY1FSchool of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences£4,195.00£14,600.00
Philosophy (MPhil) (Part-time)PRMPHPHILY1PSchool of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences£2,098.00£7,300.00
Philosophy (MSc by Research) (Full-time)PRMSCPHILY1FSchool of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences£9,500.00£20,100.00
Philosophy (MSc by Research) (Part-time)PRMSCPHILY1PSchool of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences£4,750.00£10,050.00
Philosophy (Online Distance Learning) (PhD) - 3 Years (Full-time)PRPHDPHILY2FSchool of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences£4,195.00£14,600.00
Philosophy (Online Distance Learning) (PhD) - 6 Years (Part-time)PRPHDPHILY2PSchool of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences£2,098.00£7,300.00
Philosophy (PhD) (Full-time)PRPHDPHILY1FSchool of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences£4,195.00£14,600.00
Philosophy (PhD) (Part-time)PRPHDPHILY1PSchool of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences£2,098.00£7,300.00
Physics (PhD) (Full-time)PRPHDPHYSI1FSchool of Physics and Astronomy£4,195.00£19,100.00£1,000.00
Physics (PhD) (Part-time)PRPHDPHYSI1PSchool of Physics and Astronomy£2,098.00£9,550.00
Physics Education Research (MSc by Research)PRMSCPHEDR1FSchool of Physics and Astronomy£7,400.00£23,700.00
Politics (MSc by Research) (Full-time)PRMSCPOLTC1FSchool of Social and Political Science£7,400.00£19,300.00
Politics (MSc by Research) (Part-time)PRMSCPOLTC1PSchool of Social and Political Science£3,700.00£9,650.00
Politics (PhD) (Full-time)PRPHDPOLTC1FSchool of Social and Political Science£4,195.00£14,600.00
Politics (PhD) (Part-time)PRPHDPOLTC1PSchool of Social and Political Science£2,098.00£7,300.00
Population Health Sciences (MSc by Research) (Full-time)PRMSCPOPHS1FDeanery of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences£7,400.00£19,300.00Yes, costs vary
Population Health Sciences (MSc by Research) (Part-time)PRMSCPOPHS1PDeanery of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences£3,700.00£9,650.00Yes, costs vary
Population Health Sciences (PhD) (Full-time)PRPHDMEDRAAFDeanery of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences£4,195.00£14,600.00£1,000.00
Population Health Sciences (PhD) (Part-time)PRPHDMEDRAAPDeanery of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences£2,098.00£7,300.00£500.00
Precision Medicine (PhD with Integrated Study) (Non-UoE Lead with Glasgow) - Full-time 4 YearsPRPHDPREME1FDeanery of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences£4,195.00£19,100.00
Precision Medicine (PhD with Integrated Study) (UoE lead with Glasgow) - Full-time 4 YearsPRPHDISPME1FDeanery of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences£4,195.00£19,100.00
Probability and Stochastics (MPhil)PRMPHMATST7FSchool of Mathematics£4,195.00£14,600.00
Probability and Stochastics (PhD) (Full-time)PRPHDMATST7FSchool of Mathematics£4,195.00£14,600.00£1,000.00
Probability and Stochastics (PhD) (Part-time)PRPHDMATST7PSchool of Mathematics£2,098.00£7,300.00
Psychiatry (MPhil)PRMPHCLNEU4FDeanery of Clinical Sciences£4,195.00£19,100.00Yes, costs vary
Psychiatry (MSC)(R)PRMSCCLNEU6FDeanery of Clinical Sciences£7,400.00£23,700.00Yes, costs vary
Psychiatry (MSC)(R)PRMSCCLNEU6PDeanery of Clinical Sciences£3,700.00£11,850.00Yes, costs vary
Psychiatry (PhD) (Full-time)PRPHDCLNEU4FDeanery of Clinical Sciences£4,195.00£19,100.00
Psychiatry (PhD) (Part-time)PRPHDCLNEU4PDeanery of Clinical Sciences£2,098.00£9,550.00
Psychology (MPhil) (Full-time)PRMPHPSYCH1FSchool of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences£4,195.00£14,600.00£600.00
Psychology (MPhil) (Part-time)PRMPHPSYCH1PSchool of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences£2,098.00£7,300.00£300.00
Psychology (MSc by Research) (Full-time)PRMSCPSYCH1FSchool of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences£9,500.00£20,100.00
Psychology (MSc by Research) (Part-time)PRMSCPSYCH1PSchool of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences£4,750.00£10,050.00
Psychology (PhD) (Full-time)PRPHDPSYCH1FSchool of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences£4,195.00£14,600.00
Psychology (PhD) (Part-time) - 6 YearsPRPHDPSYCH1PSchool of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences£2,098.00£7,300.00
Public Health Policy (MSc by Research) (Full-time)PRMSCPUHLP1FSchool of Social and Political Science£7,400.00£19,300.00
Public Health Policy (MSc by Research) (Part-time)- 2 YearsPRMSCPUHLP2PSchool of Social and Political Science£3,700.00£9,650.00
Public Health Policy (MSc by Research) (Part-time)- 3 YearsPRMSCPUHLP1PSchool of Social and Political Science£2,470.00£6,435.00
Quantitative Biology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology (PhD) (Full-time)PRPHDQBBBT1FSchool of Biological Sciences£4,195.00£19,100.00
Quantitative Biology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology (PhD) (Part-time)PRPHDQBBBT1PSchool of Biological Sciences£2,098.00£9,550.00
Reflective Design Practices (MSc by Research) (Full-time)PRMSCRDESP1FEdinburgh College of Art£7,400.00£19,300.00
Reflective Design Practices (MSc by Research) (Part-time)PRMSCRDESP1PEdinburgh College of Art£3,700.00£9,650.00