Online learning fees 2021-2022

Tuition fees for online learning degrees and online part-time intermittent study in 2021-2022.

The tuition fee shown in the table is for one year only.

For students whose studies commenced in 2022-23 or earlier, tuition fees will increase each year. You should take this annual tuition fee increase into consideration when you estimate your fees for a degree. From 2023-24 tuition fees for new entrants will be fixed for the duration of their programme.

If you joined us from August 2023 onwards and you are studying for a degree or qualification that will take more than one year to complete, the fee charged will be fixed at the level charged on the year of entry.

Showing rows 1 to 1, total number of results 1.

Programme nameAwardDurationStudy ModeAnnual FeesCredit Block CostsTotal credits required for awardEstimated Total Fees for award
Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (PG Professional Development)NULL2 yearspart-time intermittentn/a10 credits £595up to 50n/a