Online learning fees 2017-2018

Tuition fees for online learning degrees and online part-time intermittent study in 2017-2018.

The tuition fee shown in the table is for one year only.

For students whose studies commenced in 2022-23 or earlier, tuition fees will increase each year. You should take this annual tuition fee increase into consideration when you estimate your fees for a degree. From 2023-24 tuition fees for new entrants will be fixed for the duration of their programme.

If you joined us from August 2023 onwards and you are studying for a degree or qualification that will take more than one year to complete, the fee charged will be fixed at the level charged on the year of entry.

Showing rows 1 to 50, total number of results 240.

Programme nameProgramme CodeSchoolHomeOverseas
Accounting and Society (Online Distance Learning) (MSc) - 3 Years (Part-time)PTMSCACSOC1PBusiness School£7,600£7,600
Advanced Clinical Practice (MVetSci) (Online Distance Learning) (ICL) - 6 YearsPTMVSADVCP1URoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies10 credits £770; 20 credits £1,535; 60 credits £4,60010 credits £770; 20 credits £1,535; 60 credits £4,600
Advanced Clinical Practice (PgCert) (Online Distance Learning) (ICL) - 2 YearsPTPGCADVCP1URoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies10 credits £770; 20 credits £1,53510 credits £770; 20 credits £1,535
Advanced Clinical Practice (PgDip) (Online Distance Learning) (ICL) - 4 YearsPTPGDADVCP1URoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies10 credits £770; 20 credits £1,53510 credits £770; 20 credits £1,535
Advanced Clinical Skills (MSC) (Part-time)(ODL) - 3 YearsPTMSCADCLS1PSchool of Health in Social Science£3,600£3,600
Africa and International Development (Online Distance Learning) (Part-time Intermittent) (PgCert) - 24 MonthsPTPGCAFRID3PSchool of Social and Political Science20 credits £1,53520 credits £1,535
Africa and International Development (Online Distance Learning) (PgCert)PTPGCAFRID2PSchool of Social and Political Science£4,600£4,600
Anatomical Sciences (PG ProfDev) (Online Distance Learning) (ICL)PTPDVANASC1UDeanery of Biomedical Sciences10 credits £770; 20 credits £1,52510 credits £770; 20 credits £1,525
Anatomical Sciences (PgCert) (Online Distance Learning) (ICL) - 1-2 YearsPTPGCANASC1UDeanery of Biomedical Sciences10 credits £770; 20 credits £1,52510 credits £770; 20 credits £1,525
Anatomical Sciences (PgCert) (Online Distance Learning) - 1 YearPTPGCANASC2PDeanery of Biomedical Sciences£4,600£4,600
Anatomical Sciences (PgDip) (Online Distance Learning) (ICL) - 2-4 YearsPTPGDANASC1UDeanery of Biomedical Sciences10 credits £770; 20 credits £1,52510 credits £770; 20 credits £1,525
Anatomical Sciences (PgDip) (Online Distance Learning) - 2 yearsPTPGDANASC1PDeanery of Biomedical Sciences£4,600£4,600
Architectural Project Management (Online Distance Learning) (MSc) (Part-time intermittent)PTMSCARPMD1PEdinburgh College of Arttbctbc
Biodiversity, Wildlife and Ecosystem Health (Online Distance Learning) (ICL) (MSc) - 2-6 YearsPTMSCBIOWE1UDeanery of Biomedical Sciences10 credits £770; 20 credits £1,525; 60 credits £4,60010 credits £770; 20 credits £1,525; 60 credits £4,600
Biodiversity, Wildlife and Ecosystem Health (Online Distance Learning) (ICL) (PG ProfDev) - 2 Years (Part-time)PTPDVBIOWE1UDeanery of Biomedical Sciences10 credits £77010 credits £770
Biodiversity, Wildlife and Ecosystem Health (Online Distance Learning) (ICL) (PgCert) - 1-2 YearsPTPGCBIOWE1UDeanery of Biomedical Sciences10 credits £770; 20 credits £1,52510 credits £770; 20 credits £1,525
Biodiversity, Wildlife and Ecosystem Health (Online Distance Learning) (ICL) (PgDip) - 2-4 YearsPTPGDBIOWE1UDeanery of Biomedical Sciences10 credits £770; 20 credits £1,52510 credits £770; 20 credits £1,525
Biodiversity, Wildlife and Ecosystem Health (Online Distance Learning) (MSc) (Part-time)PTMSCBIOWE1PDeanery of Biomedical Sciences£4,600£4,600
Biodiversity, Wildlife and Ecosystem Health (Online Distance Learning) (PgCert) (Part-time)PTPGCBIOWE1PDeanery of Biomedical Sciences£4,600£4,600
Biodiversity, Wildlife and Ecosystem Health (Online Distance Learning) (PgDip) (Part-time)PTPGDBIOWE1PDeanery of Biomedical Sciences£4,600£4,600
Carbon Innovation (PG Cert) (Online Distance Learning) - 1 Year (Part-time)PTPGCCARIN1PSchool of Geosciences£4,600£4,600
Carbon Management (Online Distance Learning) (MSc) - 2 Years (Part-time)PTMSCCARMA4PSchool of Geosciences£6,900£6,900
Carbon Management (Online Distance Learning) (MSc) - 3 Years (Part-time)PTMSCCARMA5PSchool of Geosciences£4,600£4,600
Carbon Management (Online Distance Learning) (Pg Dip) - 2 YearsPTPGDCARMA1PSchool of Geosciences£4,600£4,600
Children and Young People's Mental Health and Psychological Practice (ODL) (ICL) (MSc)PTMSCCYPMH2USchool of Health in Social Science20 credits £1,20020 credits £1,200
Climate Change Management (Online Distance Learning) (PgCert) (Full-time)PTPGCCLCHM1FSchool of Geosciences£4,600£4,600
Climate Change Management (Online Distance Learning) Pg Cert - 1 Year (Part-time)PTPGCCLCHM1PSchool of Geosciences£4,600£4,600
Clinical Animal Behaviour (Online Distance Learning) (ICL) (MSc) - 6 YearsPTMSCCLANB1URoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies10 credits £770; 20 credits £1,535; 60 credits £4,60010 credits £770; 20 credits £1,535; 60 credits £4,600
Clinical Animal Behaviour (Online Distance Learning) (ICL) (PG ProfDev) - 1-2 YearsPTPDVCLANB1URoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies10 credits £770; 20 credits £1,53510 credits £770; 20 credits £1,535
Clinical Animal Behaviour (Online Distance Learning) (ICL) (PG ProfDev) - 1-2 YearsPTPDVCLANB1URoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies10 credits £770; 20 credits £1,53510 credits £770; 20 credits £1,535
Clinical Animal Behaviour (PgCert) (Online Distance Learning) (ICL) - 2 YearsPTPGCCLANB1URoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies10 credits £770; 20 credits £1,53510 credits £770; 20 credits £1,535
Clinical Animal Behaviour (PgDip) (Online Distance Learning) (ICL) - 4 YearsPTPGDCLANB1URoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies10 credits £770; 20 credits £1,53510 credits £770; 20 credits £1,535
Clinical Education (Online Distance Learning) (MSc) (Part-time)PTMSCCLINE1PDeanery of Clinical Sciences£4,100£4,100
Clinical Education (Online Distance Learning) (PgCert) (Part-time)PTPGCCLIED1PDeanery of Clinical Sciences£4,100£4,100
Clinical Education (Online Distance Learning) (PgDip) (Part-time)PTPGDCLINE2PDeanery of Clinical Sciences£4,100£4,100
Clinical Management of Pain (Online Distance Learning) (MSc) - 3 Years (Part-time)PTMSCCLMAP1PDeanery of Clinical Sciences£4,100£4,100
Clinical Management of Pain (Online Distance Learning)(ICL) (MSc) - 6 yearsPTMSCCLMAP1UDeanery of Clinical Sciences10 credits £685; 20 credits £1,370; 60 credits £4,10010 credits £685; 20 credits £1,370; 60 credits £4,100
Clinical Management of Pain (Online Distance Learning)(ICL) (PG ProfDev) - 2 yearsPTPDVCLMAP1UDeanery of Clinical Sciences10 credits £685; 20 credits £1,37010 credits £685; 20 credits £1,370
Clinical Management of Pain (Online Distance Learning)(ICL) (PgCert) - 2 yearsPTPGCCLMAP1UDeanery of Clinical Sciences10 credits £685; 20 credits £1,37010 credits £685; 20 credits £1,370
Clinical Management of Pain (Online Distance Learning)(ICL) (PgDip) - 4 yearsPTPGDCLMAP1UDeanery of Clinical Sciences10 credits £685; 20 credits £1,37010 credits £685; 20 credits £1,370
Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (Online Distance Learning) (ICL) (MSc) (6 years)PTMSCCLMID2UDeanery of Biomedical Sciences10 credits £77010 credits £770
Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (Online Distance Learning) (ICL) (PG ProfDev) - 2 YearsPTPDVCLMID1UDeanery of Biomedical Sciences10 credits £77010 credits £770
Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (Online Distance Learning) (ICL) (PgDip) - 2 YearsPTPGCCLMID1UDeanery of Biomedical Sciences10 credits £77010 credits £770
Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (Online Distance Learning) (ICL) (PgDip) - 4 YearsPTPGDCLMID1UDeanery of Biomedical Sciences10 credits £77010 credits £770
Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (Online Distance Learning) (MSc) - 3 yearsPTMSCCLMID1PDeanery of Biomedical Sciences£4,600£4,600
Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (Online Distance Learning) (PgCert) - 1 YearPTPGCCLMID1PDeanery of Biomedical Sciences£4,600£4,600
Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (Online Distance Learning) (PgDip)- 2 YearsPTPGDCLMID1PDeanery of Biomedical Sciences£4,600£4,600
Clinical Ophthalmology (Online Distance Learning) (ChM) (ICL)PTCHMCLOPH1UDeanery of Clinical Sciences10 credits £600; 20credits £1,200; 30 credits £1,80010 credits £600; 20credits £1,200; 30 credits £1,800
Clinical Ophthalmology (Online Distance Learning) (ChM) - 2 Years (Part-time)PTCHMCLOPH1PDeanery of Clinical Sciences£5,400£5,400
Clinical Trials (MSc) (Online Distance Learning) - 3 yearsPTMSCCLITR1UDeanery of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences£4,600£4,600